The cooperative

The cooperative "SUCCESS starts AT HOME"

The People-Specialists

We connect

then it leads ErVOLLG to Erfolg!

We are looking for YOU, we are looking for people who are willing to act as partners (members,
visionary partners) to carry the message of the cooperative ‘ErVOLLG beginnt ZUHAUSE’ into their
target audience and actively support the vision of the cooperative.

Reach out to us, we’d be happy to provide you with the necessary information. (Link to contact form)

Our VISION - our conviction:

“Good news in every home - because SUCCESS (ErVOLLG) starts AT HOME.“

The most important thing for a fullfilling life is to stand on the right VALUE foundation. We stand on the Christian / Biblical value foundation.

Our mission

Through holistic activation, people receive answers to the following questions:

    • Why on earth am I here?
    • What talents, dreams, and visions has God bestowed upon me on this earth, and how can I develop unique solutions for myself and others from them?
  • What do other people gain from my existence?


We need a strong awareness in this world that people always reap what they sow, or what has been sown for them.
It’s one of the most fundamental principles of life.

We guide people in laying the foundation for themselves and their children and in integrating these essential principles into their lives.

The content of our media and training programs show people paths that enable them to lead a fulfilled and happy life.

It all starts deep within us, in the heart of a person, then in the family – behind the front door, and continues into all areas of society, economy, and politics.

Give the children a strong foundation of VALUES, and you've secured their future – regardless of their profession!

Give people a PERSPECTIVE and they will master

How can I deal and work with the cooperative

"SUCCESS-starts-AT HOME" - thePeople-Specialists e.G.


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